I’ve always liked the idea of having a given text divided within the class. It’s easier on the students (less reading, I suppose) and easier on the teacher (less lecturing) and overall it’s just a fun learning experience at any grade level. I think it’s important that presentations like such be incorporated in high school curriculum—especially group presentations. Not only do students within their own group create a closer bond inside and outside of the classroom, but it gives the rest of the classmates a chance to familiarize themselves with the “presenters”—some of whom may not have spoken a word throughout the semester.
Although from my experience I find that students either hate group presentations or love them, these group activities are so necessary whether it be for improving delivery in terms of presentation style, getting comfortable speaking in front of a large group of people, getting comfortable working with others, and so on. Whatever the case may be, most group projects and presentations are (or at least should be) aimed at making course material more fun and interesting, and I think all the groups presenting definitely succeeded in doing so.
This video may be completely unrelated but nonetheless it expresses how many students feel about group projects (plus it is hilarious and entertaining). Enjoy!
Love it.